turning your work spaces into spaces that work


Interior Designing


Project Management


Turnkey projects


Water Bodies Bio Filteration

Methodical handling and delivery of Projects


  • Designs created by in house Designers.
  • Space Planning: Effective and Maximum utilisation of available space is our core expertise. We work out the space allocation and placement of furniture in such a way that it will give you the most perfect, practical, proportionate and functional plan
  • Our Designs are technically verified by in house engineers.
  • Material Specification: Our 20 Years’ Experience to work upon various types of local as well as imported materials as best suited and required for utility purpose gives us confidence in suggesting you the Materials to be used in your project
  • Color Schemes: Every Design has shapes and colors in it, our visualization skills helps us to come up with best suited color scheme and shapes and forms to suite the environment and utility of the premises
  • Working Drawings: A Design on Paper can only be brought into existence with proper dimensional layouts, Elevation and Working Drawings which can be understood by the execution team on site. Our detailed working drawing helps the labor team to understand the dimensions of each element in the design and helps them to deliver the end product as visualized and approved.
  • As Built Drawings: Client is helped with the set of As Built drawings in his record for future reference and maintenance or expansions.
  • 3D Views: We provide client with 3D views in sketchup and max which enables them to visualize the design output from all angles such as space planning and design theme. also these 3D views make it easy for them to approve with minimum changes during execution

Project Management

  • Capacity, Volume , Density, Ratings , Acoustic, Luminance, Porosity, Stability, Load bearing capacity etc.: Any Design to make it Functional and Sustainable needs to have the technical parameters checked and approved by experts. We have that technical expertise to understand the properties of every material suggested in the design and we technically assure that the material and its quantum suggested in the Design fits to the required Parameters.
  • Quantity Estimation: Proper Quantity of every material required in the project is calculated and the orders are placed taking into consideration the wastage factors involved in each type of material
  • Detailed Measurements: Detailed Measurement and quantity sheets are prepared of each item executed and delivered on site which forms the basis of contract and billing for agencies involved in the project
  • Timelines: A project needs to have a pre-defined time period of completion. We work with MSP (Microsoft Project Planning). A proper GANTT Chart is prepared with Milestones set at intervals which helps to plan the Material and Labor Co-ordination and review the progress of work .
  • Material and Labor Co-ordination: Our dedicated Project Managers and Site coordinators take all efforts to ensure proper timely Material Management and steady work line for Labor on site without any break in work flow
  • Billing and Accounting: Our billing and quantity estimation team will assist clients accounts team to certify the bills of vendors who have worked upon the project and help them with the documentation required to process the payments based on our Certificate of Payment.(COP)

Turnkey projects (Interior Fit out)

  • Turnkey Solution: Wherever Client is in need of Labour & Material Procurement support under one roof, we have our own team to help them with Turnkey Contracting Option. Here we work it out for client with competitive rates and execute and deliver the project on Item Rate basis by providing our own team of labour, site supervisors and material procurement team.
  • 15 years experienced dedicated labor teams of different trades such as Civil, Carpentry, POP work, Aircon, Electrical, and Painting etc. will be deployed on site.
    In case of Turnkey Contracting all Material Procurement done by S & Z infraprojects through direct purchase and offloading of job to subcontractor is not done to maintain quality control on material used in the project.
    Full Time Qualified Supervisor and Site Coordinator will be deployed on site apart from daily visits of Management level person or core team member.

Water bodies

  • A parcel of water has become an integral part to complete a landscape design. Water management is complex and understanding its effect is vital.
    The body of pond water naturally carries nutrients, planktons, suspended particles and more as part of ecological needs. Therefore, these natural occupants of water make the water to appear greenish, brownish or even turbid and smells.
  • The aim of designing a pond is to balance the controllable 'functions' and be sustainable as to achieve what that is required in a finished product.
  • This can be achieved by understanding and applying the right natural components that are controllable.that is a biological filtration system
    Is a pollution control technique using living material (bacteria) to capture and biologically degrade process pollutants (excess organic nutrients).

How it works?

  • It utilises naturally occurring bacteria for the purpose of mineralisation of organic nitrogenous compounds.
  • In simple terms, it helps to breakdown dissolved organic wastes into non-toxic nitrate and nitrogen or technically we called it….the nitrogen cycle.